General Changes
- Circuits V2 has been added to palette search. We've also made an overhaul of the search feature to add filters. Be sure to check it out.
- We are migrating to a new style for variable chips:
- These include get and set functionality in one chip.
- There will be one chip for each type in the palette that can be configured local or synced.
- Old style variable chips, along with
Set Value
will eventually go away. - New style variables do not yet have changed events but they are coming soon.
Player Definition Board
can now be used to create logic on players.- One
Player Definition Board
in each room can be set to Active from the Configuration menu. - All nodes within that board will be copied into a
Player Reference Board
on each player who joins the room.
- Type names now appear above ports when hovering them with the wire tool.
- Many math nodes now work with
s:Add Node
Divide Node
Multiply Node
Subtract Node
- We now support adding and removing from lists with up to 50 elements.
- Base classes are now supported in CV2. This means that many existing types can be connected directly to
Creation Object
ports, including:- AI
- Button
- CreationObject
- Die
- DynamicLight
- Emitter
- LogScreen
- PatrolPoint
- Piston
- Rotator
- Sound Effect Gizmo
- Text Tool
- Toggle Button
- Trigger Volume
- Vector Gadget
- We've made a public json file describing our chips.
- Feel free to use this file on projects of your own.
- If you update the data in this file we may pull it back into the game!
New Chips
Get Local Camera Forward
Get Local Camera Up
Get Forward Vector
- Works with
and Player
Get Up Vector
- Works with
and Player
Get Velocity
- Works with
and Player
Instance List<bool>
Instance List<CreationObject>
Instance List<float>
Instance List<int>
Instance List<Player>
Instance List<Vector3>
- Works with
and float
List Add
List All True
List Any True
List Concat
List Contains
List Insert
List Remove At
List Remove Last
List Divide
List Max
List Min
List Multiply
List Subtract
List Sum
Player Definition Board
Player Left Hand Position
Player Right Hand Position
Player Left Hand Finger Direction
Player Right Hand Finger Direction
Player Left Hand Velocity
Player Right Hand Velocity
Time Get Precise Seconds
Time Get Universal Seconds
Time Get Universal Time
Variable (AI)
Variable (Combatant)
Variable (CreationObject)
Variable (bool)
Variable (float)
Variable (int)
Variable (List<bool>)
Variable (List<CreationObject>)
Variable (List<float>)
Variable (List<int>)
Variable (List<Player>)
Variable (List<Vector3>)
Variable (Player)
Variable (string)
Variable (Vector3)
Vector3 Cross
Vector3 Dot
Vector3 Normalize
Vector3 Scale
Bugs Fixed
- If you fail to spawn a
Self Chip
or Circuit Board
(or any other chip) spawning additional chips is now possible again. - Hovering over ports will no longer clear their default values.
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